Add your Facebook Groups to FPTraffic

Facebook requires that you add our FPTraffic App to any Facebook Group that you want to be able to post to using FPTraffic. You must be Admin in the Group to be able to do this, but if you are, it's very simple.

You can see Facebook's instructions here.

1. Open your Group Settings by going to your Facebook Group and clicking on More and then Edit Group Settings.

2. Scroll down to where it says Apps and click the pencil icon.

3. Click on Add apps.

4. Type FPTraffic into the box to search for our App and select it. After you select it, click the Add button.

5. Now, you just need to add the Group to your FPTraffic account. Go to Manage Profiles and click on Add a Profile then Group or click here to connect your Group.

That's it! Your Group should show up on your FPTraffic account and you can now schedule content to it.

Once you have added your Group, you can also choose which Facebook Page you would like to post to it as.

By default, we will post to your Facebook Group as your personal profile. However, if you have a Facebook Page that is Linked or Admin on your Group, you can choose to post as that Page.

1. Go to your Profile Manager and then click on Groups.

2. Click on the Manage Settings button for the Group you would like to edit.

3. Your Profile settings for this Group will open and you will notice the bottom setting called Group Posting Settings. You can select which Facebook Page you would like to post as when FPTraffic publishes a post to that Group.

4. Click Save Settings and FPTraffic will start posting to your Group!

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