How to remove automatic post descriptions

When you are scheduling content from our Content Finder, we use your Profile Settings to determine whether or not you want to include the source citation in your post description or not.

The source citation options are:

  • Enabled as a Caption
  • Enabled as the First Comment
  • Disabled

Enabled (Caption)

When you choose this option, the source of the content you find when using our Content Finder will be automatically added to the caption/description of your post. Here is an example showing the source in the description (we show the title and link automatically):

Enabled (First Comment)

You can also set the description to be shown as the First Comment on your post. Here is an example with the exact same post as above, but citing the source as the First Comment:


Last, you can choose to not cite the source of the content by choosing the Disabled option. In this case, the source will not be included in the post at all. You are welcome to add your own description/first comment citing it however you feel necessary.

Amazon/eBay/YouTube Links

We do automatically append the links to the source of your content when it's necessary for the most. This includes with our Amazon, eBay, and YouTube posts found using the Content Finder.

You want us to include the Amazon link no matter what setting you have chosen because that is how people are taken to your affiliate link :)

How to change your Profile Citation Settings

Now that we've discussed the different options, here is how you can change them on your Profiles.

By default, each Profile is set to Enable (Caption), but you can change this by going to your Profiles:

and then clicking on the gear for Manage Settings:

and then simply selecting the Content Source Citation you want to use:

That's it! Save the setting and whenever you use the Content Finder, we'll use the setting you have chosen.

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