How to use Tags to organize your posts

Tags are a feature we added to FPTraffic to make it easy for you to organize your posts across all your Profiles.

You can add Tags to your posts in your posts when you are scheduling them or in your Content Library. You can then use those tags when recycling content, searching for posts, or just to make it easier to manage your content.

Add Tags to your posts

Adding Tags to your posts in FPTraffic is easy. Click on any post description to edit the post and simply type in the Tags you want to include for the post.

Once added, you will see the tags in a blue label under the post description on any post that has had a tag added to it.

Searching Tags

If you click on a Tag on one of your posts, it will take you the Content Library posts for the Profile specifically for that tag.

You can also search your Content Library for a tag.

Recycle posts with Tags

It's also possible to only Recycle posts that have a certain tag. Click on the Recycle button on your Scheduled Posts and then you'll see the options shown below:

If you choose to enter a Tag then only posts with that tag will be recycled. If you enter multiple tags, we will recycle posts with either Tag.

Tags are a nice way to organize your posts and easily find/recycle specific types of posts. Start tagging your posts and let us know if you have any questions! 

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